Coionei mucci said he preferred unmarried men on this trip, 缪西中校说这次行动只要未婚人员
And he probably wanted to maintain the image of an unmarried man 而他可能是因为女性选民的缘故,
And he probably wanted to maintain the image of an unmarried man . . 而他可能是因为女性选民的缘故,..
Analysis on reproductive health knowledge among unmarried man and women in shanghai 上海婚前体检男女青年生殖健康知识状况分析
Why are there so many great unmar-ried women and no great unmarried men 为什么会有那么多了不起的没有出嫁的女人但是没有了不起没有结婚的男的?
Sometimes the same process will be repeated for the unmarried men with the groom tossing the bride's garter 有时,新郎会把新娘的吊袜带抛起,为未婚的男子们重复这一环节。
32 i would like you to be free from concern . an unmarried man is concerned about the lord's affairs ? ” how he can please the lord 32我愿你们无所挂虑。没有娶妻的,是为主的事挂虑,想怎样叫主喜悦。
In a country where it is normal for unmarried men to live with their parents into their 30s and " mamma mia ! 在意大利,三十来岁的未婚男人同父母住在一起是普遍现象,“我的妈妈呀”也是他们常用的感叹词。
The study confirmed that marriage is good for men's health-compared with unmarried men, husbands were nearly half as likely to die during the follow-up period 该研究再次证实婚姻对男性健康大有益处??与单身男性相比,有妇之夫们在随访阶段死亡率降低了一半。
unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants; but not always best subjects, for they are light to run away; and almost all fugitives are of that condition 独身的人是最好的朋友,最好的主人,最好的仆人,但是并非最好的臣民;因为他们很容易逃跑,差不多所有的逃人都是独身的。